Exam passed! Kruch is delighted to have been awarded the seal of quality and thus labelled as one of Austria’s model companies. The Austria Quality Seal of the ÖQA, “Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung der Qualität” (Austrian Working Group for the Promotion of Quality) has been labelling Austrian model companies and outstanding business premises since 1992.
Not only customer satisfaction and working atmosphere, but also business conduct in relation to partners and suppliers as well as internal processes and sustainability play a decisive role in the awarding of the seal of quality. Due to regular inspections by independent testing institutes, the above-average quality standard is maintained and is a guarantee for continuous quality.
In addition to the “Austrian Model Company” award, Kruch has several other certificates and seals of approval. These include awards focussing on environmental management and occupational health and safety management, as well as certificates for workplace health promotion and ISO certifications.
Here you will find an overview of all the seals of approval and certificates awarded.